The team here at Germantown Dental Group believes that giving back to our community and helping people in need is part of our commitment to providing the best possible dental care. With that in mind, we are very proud to announce our participation with Mid-South Mission of Mercy (MidMOM), an organization gathering dental professionals and volunteers from Tennessee, Mississippi, and Arkansas to provide those in need with free dental care.
The free dental clinic will be held on two days – Friday, February 26th and Saturday, February, 27th, 2016 from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. – at Bellevue Baptist Church in Cordova, Tennessee. Treatments offered include diagnoses, teeth cleanings, minor fillings, and extractions. Oral health information on places to go for more treatment in the community will also be provided. It is the first in what MidMOM hopes will be an annual event, and the organization’s goal is to treat approximately 2,500 patients. All of our dentists here at Germantown Dental Group, as well as most members of our staff, will be providing free services at the clinic.
We participated in a similar event in Pulaski late last year, and being able to help small children who have never before had dental care, and others who were in vital need of treatment, humbled us all. The MidMOM clinic is a huge event and all services are donated. We believe that quality dental care should never be out of reach because of financial status, and we are very excited to help people who live in underserved areas of Memphis and the surrounding region gain access to the care they need!