What to Expect at Your Dental Check-Up

The first visit to the dentist can feel intimidating! Or maybe you had a negative experience in the past and have been putting off your regular dental check-ups. While new journeys are always exciting, they may also leave you feeling a little nervous, even if it’s something you know will benefit you in the long run. Germantown Dental Group is here for you in your oral health journey, no matter where you are. Knowing what to expect at your dental check-ups can help you prepare and ease any anxieties you may be feeling. Keep reading to learn more!

Your first visit is one of the most important you’ll have with us since this is our chance to meet and get to know each other! At this appointment, we’ll go over any concerns you have about your oral health and your goals for your smile. Keep reading below to learn more about your first visit with Germantown Dental Group!

All about your dental visit

When you first enter our Germantown office, we’ll welcome you with open arms and show you around the office. We’ll make sure you’re comfortable before we dive into your medical and dental history, get to know your dental hygiene routine, and listen to your health concerns. 

We’ll spend some time showing you how to properly care for your teeth, giving you the confidence to maintain a healthy smile at home. Next, one of our dental hygienists will clean your teeth. Dr. Whittemore or Dr. Gruen will then conduct a thorough examination of your teeth, gums, and mouth and ask any relevant questions, such as if you’ve had difficulties with chewing, swallowing, or opening and closing your mouth. 

Depending on your health history and symptoms, your dentist may recommend X-rays. Taking X-rays gives us a more thorough look at your teeth, mouth, and jaw so that your doctor can make any necessary diagnosis and give you an accurate course of treatment for your unique smile.

At Germantown Dental Group, we never want you to feel like we’re rushing you through your appointments, especially the first one! This will likely be the longest visit of your dental journey. In most cases, it will take around an hour since we’re just getting to know each other, and you may have additional questions at this initial visit. The team at Germantown Dental Group takes pride in treating every patient according to their unique care needs, lifestyle, and smile goals. By customizing our approach in this way, we can consistently produce beautiful results that last!

Importance of twice a year check-ups

Visiting your dentist twice a year is an essential part of maintaining your oral health. It takes about this long for cavities to develop. These wellness checks also allow Dr. Whittemore and Dr. Gruen to detect any other issues that may be present before they become serious.

After your check-ups, your dentist will go over any diagnosis and give you any relevant information on caring for your smile. If you need any follow-up care, your dentist can schedule an appointment for necessary procedures at these visits, too. 

Maintain your smile between visits

Taking care of your teeth between dentist visits is just as important as the visits! Regular brushing and flossing are the only ways to fight tooth decay and prevent plaque buildup. Here are some other ways to keep your smile healthy at home:

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day
  • Use fluoride toothpaste and a toothbrush with soft bristles.
  • Brush gently at a 45-degree angle toward the gum line, moving in small circles to remove any bacteria and lingering food particles
  • Floss at least once a day to remove any food that’s gotten stuck in your teeth
  • Replace your toothbrush every three or four months, or more often if you’ve been sick
  • Use an antimicrobial mouthwash to rinse your mouth after brushing.

Regular dental check-ups are essential, even for patients wearing braces or clear aligners. It’s important to continue visiting the dentist during any orthodontic treatment. Here are some tips for our Germantown Dental Group patients who are brushing with braces: 

  • Brush around every part of your braces
  • Brush every surface of every tooth
  • Brush until your brackets are clean and shiny
  • Floss every night before you go to bed
  • Use tools like floss threaders and Waterpiks to clean hard-to-reach areas

Schedule a check-up with Germantown Dental Group

You only get one smile, and you deserve the best possible care. If you’ve been searching for the perfect dental home for you and your family, our team would love to meet you! Dr. Whittemore, Dr. Gruen, and the team at Germantown Dental Group will make you feel like family from the moment you schedule your first dental visit. 

Are you ready to get started on the path to a healthier smile? Schedule an appointment today, and we’ll take the first step together!